
Joined GreatCode 16 months ago

atalaykutlay's Snippets

Fast Inverse Square Root
Fast Inverse Square Root

The legendary fast inverse square root implementation from Quake III Arena source code with the original comment text.

Language: cpp16 months ago

The legendary fast inverse square root implementation from Quake III Arena source code with the original comment text.

Language: cpp17 months ago
Count Ways To Build Good Strings
Count Ways To Build Good Strings

Solution to Leetcode problem Count Ways To Build Good Strings in C++

Language: cpp16 months ago
Quicksort in Python
Quicksort in Python

An easy quicksort implementation in Python.

Language: python16 months ago
Count Ways To Build Good Strings
Count Ways To Build Good Strings

Solution to Leetcode problem Count Ways To Build Good Strings in Javascript.

Language: javascript16 months ago
Count Ways To Build Good Strings
Count Ways To Build Good Strings

Solution to Leetcode problem Count Ways To Build Good Strings in Java.

Language: java16 months ago
Count Ways To Build Good Strings
Count Ways To Build Good Strings

Solution to Leetcode problem Count Ways To Build Good Strings in Python.

Language: python16 months ago
Count Ways To Build Good Strings
Count Ways To Build Good Strings

Solution to Leetcode problem Count Ways To Build Good Strings in Java.

Language: java16 months ago
Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree
Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree

Solution to "Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago

Backtracking solution to "Permutations" problem on Leetcode

Language: python15 months ago
Count Number of Texts
Count Number of Texts

Solution to "Count Number of Texts" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix

Solution to "Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Set Matrix Zeroes
Set Matrix Zeroes

Solution to "Set Matrix Zeroes" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

A not so great solution to "Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Merge Sorted Array
Merge Sorted Array

Solution for merge sorted array question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Merge k Sorted Lists
Merge k Sorted Lists

Ugly solution for "Merge k Sorted Lists" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

Solution to "Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Kth Smallest Element in a BST
Kth Smallest Element in a BST

Solution to "Kth Smallest Element in a BST" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago
Valid Palindrome
Valid Palindrome

Solution for Valid Palindrome question on Leetcode

Language: python15 months ago
Gas Station
Gas Station

Solution to "Gas Station" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago
Excel Sheet Column Number
Excel Sheet Column Number

Solution to Excel Sheet Column Number on Leetcode

Language: python14 months ago
Pascal's Triangle
Pascal's Triangle

Solution to "Pascal's Triangle" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago
Linked List Cycle
Linked List Cycle

Solution to the "Linked List Cycle" question on Leetcode.

Language: python15 months ago
Sort Array by Increasing Frequency
Sort Array by Increasing Frequency

Solution to "Sort Array by Increasing Frequency" on Leetcode

Language: python14 months ago
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

Solution to "Remove Duplicates from Sorted List" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago
Majority Element
Majority Element

Solution to "Majority Element" on Leetcode.

Language: python14 months ago