A not so great solution to "Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array" question on Leetcode.
1class Solution:
2 def searchRange(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
4 def binarysearch(nums, target):
5 left = 0
6 right = len(nums)-1
7 while left <= right:
8 middle = left + (right-left)//2
9 if nums[middle] < target:
10 left = middle + 1
11 elif nums[middle] > target:
12 right = middle - 1
13 else:
14 return middle
15 return -1
17 found_index = binarysearch(nums, target)
18 if found_index == -1:
19 return [-1,-1]
21 left, right = found_index, found_index
22 while left > 0:
23 if nums[left-1] == target:
24 left -= 1
25 else:
26 break
28 while right < len(nums)-1:
29 if nums[right+1] == target:
30 right += 1
31 else:
32 break
34 return [left, right]
Solution to "Count Number of Texts" question on Leetcode.
Solution to "Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree" on Leetcode.