1class Solution:
2 def setZeroes(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> None:
3 """
4 Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead.
5 """
7 m = len(matrix)
8 n = len(matrix[0])
9 make_zero = []
10 for y in range(m):
11 for x in range(n):
12 if matrix[y][x] == 0:
13 make_zero.append((x,y))
15 for zero in make_zero:
16 x,y = zero
18 matrix[y] = [0] * n
20 for y_index in range(m):
21 matrix[y_index][x] = 0
This code is a solution to the "Set Matrix Zeroes" problem. The problem requires us to modify a given matrix in-place such that if any element in the matrix is 0, its entire row and column are set to 0. The code first defines the function setZeroes, which takes in a matrix as its input and does not return anything. The code then determines the number of rows and columns in the matrix using the len() function. Next, it initializes an empty list called make_zero. The code then loops through each element in the matrix using nested for loops. If an element is 0, its coordinates (x,y) are appended to the make_zero list. After that, the code iterates through each pair of coordinates (x,y) in the make_zero list. For each pair, it sets the entire row y of the matrix to all 0s using the statement matrix[y] = [0] * n. It then sets the entire column x of the matrix to 0 by looping through each row index y_index and setting matrix[y_index][x] to 0. In the end, the matrix is modified in-place such that all rows and columns containing 0s are set to 0.
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